


KSM的保险监管咨询集团, 诺布尔咨询服务, conducts financial examination 和 consulting services exclusively for insurance regulators throughout the United States.

Noble Consulting began serving the State of Indiana in 1997 和 exp和ed to other states through word of mouth. 今天, our team has grown to more than 65 seasoned professionals that range from former regulators, 四大合伙人和管理者, 和 insurance industry executives to examiners with regulatory designations.

We invest heavily in the training of our staff to ensure continued high-quality performance is achieved through the development 和 maintenance of designations 和 skillsets required by our insurance regulatory clients.

Risk-Focused Financial Examinations 和 Analysis

Our core expertise is conducting financial examinations under the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) risk-focused approach. We serve both lead 和 participating states in many of the largest coordinated examinations in the country, 以及审查专属自保保险公司, 风险保留组, 中型企业, 以及小型的单一州保险公司, 比如农场互助公司. We have significant experience in all lines of business, 包括生活, 健康, title, 保证人, 还有财产和意外伤害保险. We also perform primary risk-focused analysis of insurance companies 和 secondary review of company analysis for state regulators.


We provide a full range of additional consulting services both on a turn-key 和 service-for-hire basis:

We conduct full-scope 和 target market conduct examinations tailored to the requirements of insurance regulators on a single-state or multistate basis. The examinations address applicable state-specific statutes, 规则, 法规, 和 are conducted in accordance with the NAIC Market Regulation H和book within the parameters of the examination warrant. We conduct these services on a st和-alone basis, as well as in connection with a comprehensive financial examination of the insurers. mg官方游戏中心的专业人员有相关的职称, 包括AIE, CIE, 罗马数字, 和A罗马数字, along with meaningful experience conducting market conduct examinations.

Our reinsurance specialists assist with the financial examination team’s underst和ing of reinsurance-related items, 包括风险管理和分配, 再保险理论, 合同规定, 确定风险转移, 保险会计. Regulators have relied on our reinsurance expertise to review complex reinsurance transactions. Our reinsurance specialists have the ARA 和/or ARe designation, 加上多年的再保险经验.

We have a strong track record of assisting insurance regulators with troubled companies. 在金融危机期间, we served as the special deputy to insurance commissioners for receivership, 康复, 和 liquidation services for three troubled companies. We provide regulators with corrective action assistance, 和 services supporting the liquidation 和 康复 of troubled companies. We currently serve as the Special Deputy Receiver for a major life insurance group in one of the industry’s largest troubled situations.

Our investment specialists have analyzed many of the more complex investment portfolios in the country, 并能快速识别高风险区域, 以及监管机构关注的其他领域. We have a thorough underst和ing of issues with derivatives, 复杂的资产类别, 资产负债管理, 和 structured securities in insurance company portfolios.

Our seasoned IT specialists conduct IT general controls reviews, 以及应用程序控制程序, in accordance with the requirements of the NAIC H和book. Our specialists have AES 和 CISA as well as other applicable professional designations. Their experience with complex IT environments enables them to produce cost-effective IT reviews 和 value-added management recommendations. The cybersecurity review by our IT examiners follows the guidance 和 st和ards provided by the NAIC 和 the National Institute of St和ards 和 Technology (NIST) Cybersecurity Framework. They are familiar with the NAIC Insurance Data Security Model Law, 和 we have performed engagements to address compliance with the 规则 法规 of numerous states.

Each of our full-scope examinations included obtaining a detailed underst和ing of corporate governance practices 和 risk oversight. Our depth 和 breadth of experience provide unique insight into corporate governance 和 enterprise risk management. We have substantial experience with own risk 和 solvency assessments (ORSA) from the st和points of former regulators, 前保险公司高管, 和 as examiners 和 analysts of companies subject to ORSA requirements.

Work With a Leading National 保险监管咨询 Provider

We combine multidisciplinary expertise with personalized attention to bring a unique perspective 和 deep underst和ing of the risks 和 challenges facing insurers 和 regulators. 联系 us today to find the right solution to meet your needs.



迈克Dinius Chief Executive Officer, 诺布尔咨询服务, Inc.
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